How Contractors and Home Services Companies Can Use

Web stories

for better local SEO

Explore unique ways for service-based businesses, like home services companies, to leverage the power of Google Web Stories. 

Google Web Stories for Contractors

Use Case #1

Before and After Transformations

Showcase impressive before-and-after visuals of completed projects, highlighting the quality of work and the value your services offer. 

Use Case #2

Step-by-Step Tutorials 

Provide helpful DIY tutorials or maintenance tips for homeowners. Educate your audience while showcasing your expertise in your field. 

Use Case #3

Client Testimonials

Feature client testimonials in your Web Stories to build trust and credibility. Real customer experiences can influence potential clients.

Use Case #4

Frequently Asked Questions

Address common questions or concerns your customers may have. Use Web Stories to provide quick, informative answers and solutions. 

Use Case #5

Special Offers & Discounts

Promote limited-time offers, discounts, or package deals through Web Stories, enticing potential clients to take advantage of your services.


Service-based businesses can utilize Google Web Stories in various ways to showcase their expertise, engage audiences, and build trust. Get creative and start storytelling!